Sunday, May 1, 2011

WoW Project: Finally Finished

I have finally finished my WoW project. My WoW project was on using interactive technology in the3 science classroom. I thought this was a great topic for me since I am currently a middle school science teacher. Technology provides many different learning experiences for students. Most times schools are not going to have the equipment that is necessary to do experiments because of the cost. So by using online tools, students can still do the same experiments just virtually. This helps to reduce costs to the school without sacrificing learning for students. Some of the online tools that I found were virtual operations. I thought these were great. Students can perform hip replacement surgery, a heart transplant, or even brain surgery. Without these programs students would never have the opportunity to do these types of experiments. By doing these it may inspire some students to become doctors or go into the medical field. Dissections are an important part of the learning experience but some students are against cutting into a dead animal. This is where online dissections come into play. Students can go online and see the inside of an of an organisms without having to touch it or without having to have an organism die. Also technology can be used to show videos of complex ideas or of experiments that could take years to do. When doing my project I did a PowerPoint in which I used different colors, moving pictures, and different links to demonstrate how technology can be used. The links will allow the class to do different short activities and view different videos. The presentations will be a general overview of the different types of actives that can be blended in to a typical science curriculum. Below is the link to my wiki page which has the link to my presentation. Frank Snyder Wiki Page

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